Garhwali language

Garhwali is language/dialect (BOLI) spoken by Garhwal People. People moved and influences the other spoken language and gradually incorporating into Garhwali. variations of languages:
o Jaunsari by Jaunsar-Babar
o Marchi/Bhotia by Marchas
o Jadhi by Uttarkashi
o Sailani by Tehri

Many languages n dialects effect on the Garhwali language
o Bhotia dialect of Tibet and China
o Sanskrit, Hindi or Hindustani spoken in the south of Garhwal
o Kumaoni and Nepali spoken in the east of Garhwal.
o Sauraseni Prakrit is source of Rajasthani and Brij bhasha

gHändyáäl dhäár

jai ghantakarana devta ki

ghandyaal dhaar on 25th : Part-1

ghandyaal dhaar on 25th : Part-2

diffenent stories about GHANTAKARNA

Ghantakarna servants of Kubera. Being Vishnu-haters wore bells (Ghanta) on ears (Karna) to ensure that Vishnu's names dont enter his ears then prayed Siva for salvation. Siva advised only Vishnu can grant salvation, you worship Vishnu and proceed to Dwaraka to meet him, the hunt is conduct Vishnu Pooja. Ghantakarna start meditation and happy by the vision of Vishnu in front of him during meditation. Overjoyed to see Vishnu, start dancing.

Confusion between Lord Vardhaman Mahavira and Ghantakarna Veer. Ghantakarna or Gathemo is Kartike, son of Shiva. gods gifted which kartike liked Ghanta (bell) wore called him Ghantakarna. Kartike killed demon Tarkasur. who rescued all gods and ppl from demon and protected all living beings of Dev Lok, Prithvi Lok and Patal Lok.

mändäán ät sáunkuld

jaagar on 25th night

mandaan on 29th evening

á mÖrning in sáunkuld

a morning walk in saunkuld